To us, this report is a joke. It's bias and the behavior of the officer who wrote it toward Raye Dawn and the way she portrays Kathie compared to Gayla obviously show her bias. We're publishing this report to point out the mistakes in it and the amount of bias because KP members have published it as they see this report as one of the only reports that should be read. After reading it and seeing that Kathie could have written it herself, you'll understand the hatred that's geared at Raye Dawn in the State of Oklahoma. It's sad that even this officer chose to believe the media over the truth.

Before reading this report, there are two facts you need to know.

1. The probation and parole officer that wrote this report saw Raye Dawn without her attorney present and screamed at her, accusing her of hurting Kelsey. Raye Dawn was in tears and shaking while speaking to her and writing her statement. Raye Dawn described that interview as one of the worst moments in her life. When the officer returned for a follow-up interview, Raye Dawn told her that she could not speak to her without her attorney present and offered to call him. She didn't know she had that option during the first interview. The probation and parole officer decided she did not need any more information and left. We're assuming that's why there are mistakes in the report. Also, the statement from Gayla Smith about the jurors being "inbred" will be explained in Raye Dawn's appeal.

2. The probation and parole officer based her recommendation of the 27 year sentence and the other nonsense statement on Raye Dawn's denial of fault and unwillingness to accept culpability. Hello!!! Mike Porter sexually assaulted and murdered Kelsey. Raye Dawn wasn't even there. How can a grieving mother accept fault for the death of a child that in her mind and heart she did everything she knew to do to protect? We've received email after email from hundreds of people who have stated they had abuse in their homes or they were abused and at least one of the adults did not know. People like Mike Porter are manipulative and are good at hiding their naughty deeds. Raye Dawn had only seen abuse from Lance and she thought all abuse was evident and the abusers were drug addicts and/or had bad tempers like Lance. She had no clue that abuse could be hidden. Any person who is quick to judge Raye Dawn and says that they would have known has obviously not been in her shoes and we pray they never are.